Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Day One - Saturday September 13th

Flexibility is the key to most mission trips and this one is no exception.   Originally I was to be in downtown Panama City working with a group of Kuna Indians, but after I arrived I discovered that I would be in Arriajan Panama - about an Hour outside of Panama City.  

I was told I would be preaching/teaching in 3or4 churches over the next few days. My housing would be in a Panama Baptist Convention Building which doubles as a seminary when classes are going.

It does have bunk beds, a fan and running water, but no hot water.   Thank goodness for Whipeys!   They cover a multitude of issues on a mission trip!

Night one I preached in Iglesia Baptista La Paz.   It was an pavilion type of building and it was hot sticky and not a breath of wind.   The service was about 45 minutes of singing - 30 minutes of preaching with another 15 minutes of singing added on.

We had a great time sharing the story of Zacheus noting how broken people want to see Jesus and Jesus want to see them!    

While I was listening to the music I glanced at my watch - exactly 24 hours earlier I was on top of Bulldog stadium cheering in my son and his team to victory.  Now 24 hours later 1000's of miles later I'm in the midst of a Kuna/Latin church encouraging them in Gods Word.  

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Day Two - Sunday Morning - September 14th, 2014

This morning I had the privilege of preaching of preaching at Antioch Baptist Church.   Pastor Freddie Boyd started the church 23 years ago - it is the oldest and largest Kuna Baptist Church in the area.

Here is Pastor Freddie and myself.

Most everything in these communities is built on the side of a hill - so there is much up and down hill walking.  The church is at the bottom of this hill and it was drizzling as we walked.   Brought a whole new meaning to prayer walk!  (Grin)

Here is the front of the Church.

Typical to Central American Churches - the main Sunday Service will be in the Evening, but the morning service was well attended.

I taught from Matthew 22:35-37 where Jesus talks about the greatest commandment and also living others. We talk about how a genuine love for God always manifests a love for people.  Also in John 13:35 - that love is evidence that you are a true follower of Jesus.   

At the end of the service many people came to the front for prayer.   It seemed - at least from my perspective - to have been a good service of genuine worship. 

This is a photo of the typical house in this community.  

After church was over, we did what good Baptist do ... We ate!

While we were waiting to eat, Pastor Freddie asked if I would walk with him to go and pray for a sick church member.  We walk to the home of this lady - Nana. I'm not for sure what she was suffering from - but she was comforted by our visit and prayer.  Please take a moment and lift her up in your prayers   

Monday, September 22, 2014

Day Two - Sunday Evening - September 14th, 2014

I must admit - I had an awesome afternoon of rest.   It was much needed - I still felt I was dragging this morning - but was ready to go for tonight's service.

There was a meal prepared for us before the evening service.  For those of you who know me - you know I don't do meat with bones in it.    I can say the salad was good - but I passed on the rest.

The music tonight featured a young man playing "How Great Thou Art" on his violin.  It was very enjoyable.  

This church was founded by Baptist and it was obvious as we sang "The Old Rugged Cross" "I am Thine O Lord" and then a spirited version of "The Battle Hymn if the Republic."    All in Kuna - but I certainly recognized the tunes.   Here is the Kuna version of "How Great Thou Art" 

The crowd was larger than this morning - the service more involved and lengthy.  

I taught from Luke 5 - the story of how Jesus healed the Leper.   Just as sin does - leprosy divides and destroys - leaving people isolated and alone.  Jesus came to heal, forgive and restore that which was broken by sin.  His children are never more like Jesus than when we forgive, heal and restore.   His children are never less like him when the choose to simply discard that which was broken by sin.  

As I always do, I ask the pastor to extend the invitation and close the service.  Many came forward making decisions.  I was asked to pray with them, so I asked for a crash course in Kuna on how to say, "God Bless You."   Just in case you need to know, here it is phonetically  "Bop be ben docki."

Again, I don't know the decisions that we made - but I believe God touched hearts.

Here is Pastor Boyd and I after service.

Sharon always wants me to bring back a little girl from my mission trips.  It's just easier to take pics instead of trying to sneak one through customs!  

One of the greatest sights you can see on any mission trip is the Golden Arches! It was much better than eating a fish head!

Keep us in your prayers as we will be training the Leadership tomorrow and Wednesday Morning is Bible Study Methods.  

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Day Three - Monday morning - September 15th, 2014

Good Morning!   Late last night a group arrived from Nicaragua to help with the church's in Panama City.   Due to some confusion in planning - they had no place to stay.   So .... I had 9 brothers and sisters in Christ sleep in my room last night.   On the floor, in the other bed - generally wherever they could find space.  Needless to say - didn't get much sleep last night and I left them still sleeping when I came to teach this morning.   I hope they get all sorted - I'll need a good nap this afternoon!

We started teaching the question bible study method we have taught around the world. It is so simple, requires no commentaries or internet which makes it incredibly beneficial to people who have limited access to both. 

Before I left I had the worksheets translated into Spanish.  At this very moment (while I am typing this) they are translating the worksheets into the Kuna Language .

We started by emphasizing the power and roll if the word of God - 2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Timothy 4:1-4.   How Gods Work can keep us pure, keep us close to Him and keep us from sin.  Psalm 119: 9-11.

Then we began to work our way through the diagnostic questions I found some 20 years ago in an article by Rick Warren.  I will always be grateful for him for he has touched the hearts and minds of countless people through his method I have shared across the world.

We then looked through James 1:2-8 and Proverbs 3:5-6.   This helps those who are going through difficult times and those who seek guidance from God.  

This in a way was different from the Leadership Training we have done in Ethiopia.  There we gather pastors and leadership from various churches and work through many issues together.   Today, this was more leading members of this one church who came to learn.  

Here is a photo of the entire group as we had a refreshment break. 

After the break - I asked Pastor Boyd to work with the group as they worked through Philippians 2:1-4 where Paul addresses attitudes and actions of the early Phillipi church.  

By doing this - it makes him the leader and also allows him to help and educate his people.  I'll be gone in 2 days - he's been here 23 years.   These are his people.  I'm just the guy who brought and introduced the worksheets.  

It has been a good good day.  I love doing this!   Keep us in you prayers as we preach again tonight.  

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Day Three - Monday Evening - September 16th, 2014

Well it is the rainy season in Panama and man it came a gulley washer this afternoon and evening.   And when the church you are in has a tin roof - when the rain is too loud - you stop preaching and let the people sing till the rain abates!

While eating with the Pastor this evening, he described his excitement of seeing his people study God's Word in depth this morning.  He said he could his peoples eyes light up as they realized they could understand the Bible in a fresh new way. He kept saying, "And it's so simple!"   He can't wait until we pick up Wednesday Morning with Philippians 4:4-8.   That was their homework assignment. 

Tonight we spoke from Isaiah 43:1-3 - looking at how to respond when you are discouraged by life.   During the evening several times I caught myself thinking, "You are preaching this ... Do you really believe it?   Are you living - feeling - acting as though this is true?"   

Honestly I vacillate.   I know what Gods Words says, but my eyes, my mind, my emotions are at times in direct opposition to what His Word says.  

Isaiah 43:1-3 tells us to Remember Who We Belong To; Remember His Promises and Remember Who He Is.

After services, the women of the church who had provided meals and do most if the work around the church, wanted to present me a gift.  This would be my last night at Antioch church as I M scheduled to be back at La Pas church Tuesday and Wednesday Evening. The presented me with 2 Kuna hand made ties.  

After the close if service I met Ramidio.   I had been watching him all service long and I wanted to know his story.  He has been confined to wheelchair for years and suffers from some sort of paralysis.   I listened to him sing praises to His Lord. I watched as he smiled and "amened" me though the lesson.   He joy was infectious.  Though his body was broken and confined to a chair. - his spirit soared to the very throne room of God.

Here I was teaching not to be discouraged by circumstances and he was living the sermon I was teaching.  He ministered to me tonight.   He taught me.  I was the student - he was the master.   God used him to touch my life tonight.  

 Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior.
—Psalm 42:5

Friday, September 19, 2014

Day Four - Tuesday Morning - September 16th, 2014

This morning a Missions Team came in to work with the children in Iglesia Bautista La Paz.  Although I have no role in this, I was asked to attend.   The group was about an hour late.  (Flexibility is a must on any Mission trip.)

While we were waiting I took a few photos.   

Here is baby that was just 18 days old.  (And all the women went .... Ahhhhhhhh how cute)

Soul Seekers from Texas arrived to work with kids.   Not for sure it this was in conjunction with Sam Craig or not - but they did a wonderful job working with the kids.   

Here is a typical view from the La Paz community. 

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Day Four - Tuesday Evening - September 16th, 2014

This evening I am back at Iglesia La Paz - it is a smaller church than Antioch - it is a mixture if Latin & Kuna.   The congregation is younger and I think more contemporary in their music and thinking.

At Antioch all songs were traditional Baptist - here they sang Matt Redmonds Bless The Lord O My Soul  ... In Kuna then Spanish.  It was amazing.  

Before service I met this man.  His name is Galvec Pena.   Many years ago he was lead to faith in Christ by a missionary on his island of Ali Ghandi.   The missionary taught him English and he worked on the Construction of the Panama Canal.  In March of 1992, he was invited to Glorieta In New Mexico for an international gathering of indigenous Central American Indian Cultures.   He still loves The Lord and is so greatful for the men and women that sent that missionary to tell him about Jesus.  He came tonight with his wife and grand kids.  Amazing and Amen.  

This little dude looked like he was ready to preach!   He was strutting his stuff!

Music is an important part of Panamanian worship. Each night there is 45 minutes of music with many different leaders.   They were training up the next leaders!  They did a great job And the crowd joined right in!

The crowd during music grew to standing room only .... Spilled outside and continued to grow. 

With such a young congregation I changed what I was going to speak about and went to Joshua 1:1-8 and talked about how God prepares us to do  great things.

As God encouraged Joshua, I encouraged them to remember God was with them and would never leave them or forsake them.  Also Gods Promises to Moses extended to Joshua - Remember God's Promises.   I told them it would not be easy.  Even though God had given the land to the Isrealites there would still be battles, loss and suffering - so they must be strong, courageous and battle through discouragement.   Spend time with God's Word and follow His ways.  If this is done - you will be successful in all you do.  

I challenged them to impact their community, their country for the Lord!   To stand firm in the face of temptation and ridicule.  It was an extremely powerful evening.   At the end the pastor extended the invitation and many responded. 

Some things are the same in every culture.  After service a group of ladies had a meeting - I tried to sit down with them, but they shooed me away and laughed a lot.

Tomorrow I'll be teaching in Antioch in the morning, preaching in La Pas in the evening then traveling back to Panama City to stay at a hotel that evening - catch my flight and head home.  It's been a good day.  It's been a fruitful trip.  Please keep praying.